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Sunday, April 29, 2007
Planting Idea For Rough Ground
If you have a ruff area on your allotment which looks like some waste ground and you dont want to spend a long time digging and weeding the area at the same time, the best way to get around it is to ruff dig it. First is to prepare and dig the ground and you start by cutting down any over grown weeds by using a scythe, grass hook or strimmer. Once this is done then start to ruff dig it by turning the soil and not taking out all the weeds, you can take some out if you wish to but that is your choice. Then if you can come across one just run over the dug area with a rotivator this will break up any large clumps of earth and help to improve the structure of the soil. Now the ground has been prepared it is now time to put a thick layer of manure on top of the ground. Order a large amount of manure which im sure you could get from any farm who wishes to remove it and then proceed to spread a thick layer of the manure over the prepared ground so it completely covers it. Once the ground has been completely covered then get either some large old carpets or a large sheet of plastic to cover the manure completely so no light can get down to the ground. Once this has been done weight the sheeting or carpets down with bricks or even using pegs just to hold down what ever you use. When these things have been completed you are now ready to start to plant the area by cutting cross slits in the carpet or plastic sheeting. Once the holes have been made before planting your plants into them, just place a small amont of clean soil or compost in so the roots are not in pure manure. The reason why you do this is to stop the acidity of the manure from burning the roots. For your first time plants I would use Large Squashes or Tomatoe Plants. These type of plants need alot of moistore and the manure is just the job to hold alot of it, even so it is best to water regularly. Happy Planting. # posted by Pumpkintastic @ 3:00 am
I found a new variety of 'bush acorn' in the USA recently. I am growing several US varieties over here. Do you find that US varieties grow well over here? there seem to be so many other varieties to choose from in the USA - it's so tempting.
Thank you for your comment you left on my blog. I am from the UK I have not tried this variety of pumpkin but it will be one I will have ago at trying to grow later on. Also im sorry it took so long to respond to this question.
Personaly I would choose any variety that takes your fancy and try growing it. Any variety will grow well if in the right conditions. Plus there enjoyable grow.