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Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Landfill and Sea Gulls

Before we start about gulls the blog is about Pumpkins you will find it underneath this small paragraph about gulls.

The other subject I am interested in appart from Pumpkins are different species of gulls and the type you find commonly inland. In the past two decades the gull population has grown to a large amount, so much so that some spieces of gulls are now seeking permanent refuge in city's around the uk. I must admit thats fine by me because I happen to love watching flocks of gulls flying around and calling out to each other. But im afraid not everyone shares the same love for them as I do, they tend to see them as a pest. Anyway I hope there are some other people out there that also like them like me. Anyway at the bottom theres a link try having a look, it's a small webpage I made about gulls.


This is just a simple site to give you an idea.

# posted by Pumpkintastic @ 11:45 pm