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Thursday, November 08, 2007
The Allotment Fox
Foxes are shy creatures and I know that I have a local fox around our allotment sight. The sight is biult next to a suburban area on one side and on the other there is just pure countryside. Sadly we cant see much of the countryside on sight because of a copsey that was made to block our view and may be to give the sight some privacey. For the fox though its great its got the best of both worlds its got the natural scenerey and food of the country side and rich pickings from our allotments like worms from out our composters and berries from our fruit bushes. Plus not to mension the variety of food it can find in peoples back gardens and out of what evers in there bins. Foxes are onmivores and are very opportunistic so they will find it very simple to addapt to different surroundings. I cant say for sure because ive only glimpsed them from time to time but our allotment foxes seem to be living quite well where they are.